Sunday, September 8, 2013

Puto 'steamed rice cake'

I made these the other day. These steamed rice cakes are normally called 'poutou' in Mauritius and are traditional cakes for the Chinese new year. They are meant to smile when they are ready. I never like them before but I started to when my mum made them. I really do not know 'the' recipe and still working on it. I just googled for a few and tried the one most appropriate for me in terms of ingredients. I think that the ones I made were rather too dense, not light and fluffy as they should be. Most of them did smile though, which is great. When I say smile, I mean like they open and form a smile-sort of. Taste-wise it was okay. I will definitely come with a version I like. For the time being I will post some pictures to show what I am talking about.

Oh and I did put red colouring but I guess the brown sugar simply overtook the colour and that's why they turned out brown.

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