It seems like ages since I posted something and I thought it's about time. Can you believe we're going into December, like tomorrow. Where did the time go? How did we even reach to now?
Today is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent means 'waiting to come' and you know December is the season of joy. I remember making that paper Christmas tree last year and I plan to make another one, but different. Hopefully, I'll get it done soon, so I can post some pictures. I have already decorate two mini Christmas trees (gold and red- I like that colour combination).
I have been quite busy lately. What does 'busy' mean in this current world. No I have not been busy. I just did not find the time to post (or had other things to do). I have been cooking and trying new recipes though:some success and some failures. I will definitely try and sort all the pictures and then publish some. We try the best we can I guess, in all situations.
In the meantime, I wish you all my warmest season's greetings.