Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Matcha (random food items)

Matcha powder or more commonly known as the green tea powder is basically fine, powdered green tea leaves. The flavour is stronger than what you would normally taste from green tea. I love drinking green tea because of the aroma and the benefits that it encompasses. I can see lot of sweet snacks with matcha flavour nowadays. I used to look for the matcha powder in the Asian grocery stores and would not find them. Now I can see them almost everywhere, so there. I definitely think it has grown in popularity. I also saw green tea noodles in a magazine which you can find in Japan, which means that matcha is not only associated with sweet food.
So I have combined a few items green tea flavoured I bought and made.

These are items I did not make:

Green tea mousse cake with red bean

Green tea crepe cake
Hello Panda with matcha filling, they also have matcha pocky
Green tea icecream mochi, my favourite

Now, those are the sweets I made:

Green tea cookies

Lady fingers

Matcha cheat's icecream

Raw matcha brownie

I also made mini matcha cheesecake which must be somewhere in this blog already, but could not find the photo for some reason. Anyway these are ideas of what you can make using matcha.

Taro Balls

This are one of my favourite deep-fried food among so many others. These taro balls are made from grated taro, sugar, black bean, bread, ginger and some flour mixed together and then deep fried. These are the best, super crunchy on the outside, and you can take the taro and the sweetness with the ginger and salty black bean complimenting each other. These are so mouth-watering and I tell you you just can't get enough. Once in a while is good.

Most recently I came across another taro deep fried style dumpling- the Honeycomb taro dumpling or deep fried taro puff which is a savoury version filled with pork filling. I have not tried it before, but I bet it tastes delicious.

I made taro smoothie by blending some cooked taro, milk and sugar and it tastes amazing.

Taro has such a distinct flavour, like pandan or red bean. They have unusual flavour but once you get to appreciate the taste, then I assure you, you would be keen to try any food with them in it.

This is the time I made the taro balls, which turned out pretty good.
Grated taro

Rolled into balls prior to frying

Ready to be eaten

This is the time my mum did it.