Friday, November 1, 2013

Rice pudding with peaches

Call me lazy, I wanted to try those rice pudding and saw they sell them in cans, ready to be served.
Seriously, there is nothing that you cannot find at the supermarket nowadays. I'm especially referring to those frozen dishes. You can get so easily lost in all the brands out there. An easy solution to cooking I wonder. Today I saw on the news that the readily-made cooked food in the frozen sections hardly conformed to the norms in terms of  matching what is on the packaging pictures. Usually you end up with something much less appealing; not only that but also in terms of the contents/ ingredients- some ingredients claimed to be the main component of the dish may contribute less than 1%, which is an infringement to the law.  In a way, you are being fooled.
Anyway, to top my rice pudding, I sliced some peaches. A quick and easy dessert.

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