Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sesame balls and fried taro balls

Sesame balls and fried taro balls. These are among the many Mauritian delicacies and are usually eaten during the Chinese new year. The sesame ball is made up of rice and glutinous flour, mixed with some sweet potato mash, and sugar. It is filled with red bean paste or lotus paste, rolled in sesame seeds and then deep fried.  As for the taro ball, it's a sweet mixture of grated taro, deep fried. Both taste really delicious. Honestly, I have never made them. Yes, I'm not a big deep fried cooking, and eating (since recently), but I would not say no to one or two of these, anytime. My mum cooked them and they are truly yummy. Both are crispy on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside.


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