Saturday, May 10, 2014

Kitkat (from Japan)

This is one of my favourite childhood chocolate treat. Don't you just love that crunchy wafer coated with milk chocolate. Like their slogan say: 'Have a break...have a kitkat'. Sure.

I think that everyone is aware and must have tried the original version which is the plain chocolate one. In Australia, they now have added mint and cookie & cream flavour to the range. However, according to Wikipedia (not that it can be trusted but), there are over 100 flavours in Japan.

One of my bro's friend went to Japan and brought some of these popular kitkat. They come in those super cute packaging and I actually like that they come in small bite-size wrapping.

I had so much fun taking pictures of these because it is so colourful altogether. I definitely give a high-five to the designer of these packaging. We had vanilla, strawberry, red bean, and sakura matcha flavours, including my addition of the original and mint crunchy. Aha.

Leave the packaging alone, the kit kat are not only super cute, but taste really good. The flavours just match what you would expect. My favourite is sakura matcha. I am not too sure what sakura taste like, but I had a subtle taste of coconut pandan which won me over. I also like the vanilla and the strawberry. While I do like red bean and the chocolate had that distinct flavour,  I think it was too overpowering for me. Overall, it was a massive sweet treat.

Group picture, including the ones we already had at home.
Individual picture:
Strawberry, red bean and sakura matcha
Vanilla and sakura matcha (in a more stylish packaging aha)
Chocolate and minty
And why not a last picture:

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