Saturday, May 17, 2014

Pork fillet with sweet potato mash

I like eating pork fillet because it is the leanest meat part. It's not too flavoursome and tastes quite like chicken in my opinion. I have cooked pork medallion before, so I wanted to try oven bake a whole fillet to keep all the juices in. My only concern was not to under-cook the pork, because as you know rare pork is a no-no. Why? Because some diseases might not be get 'killed' and you can get infected by eating raw meat or something that sounds close enough to that. For my meat, I decided to go for a spice/herb rub. I pan-fried it first to sear all the sides (about 3-5 minutes) . I then put it the oven to cook all the way through (180 degrees for about 20 minutes). My pork fillet was quite small, which is why I did not cook it for too long in the oven, since you do not want to over cook the meat as well. After baking, I let the meat rest for about 15 minutes before cutting in, to allow the juice to stabilise/ equalise. I also prepared some sweet potato mash and pan-fried some button mushrooms, to go with the pork. The result is a happy meal.

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