Sunday, December 23, 2012

My start to cooking

Okay I know this sounds a boring topic to talk about but I feel the need to write something about how I begin to cook. Firstly because this was definitely not a natural thing for me. I really start cooking cooking at the age of 17 or so, when I started uni, or probably when mum was not at home to cook anymore. Well well well so it started really slowly. My first dish was I think some 'chop suey poulet'. At that time, it was a new thing for me. I guess I never cooked before because mum was always cooking for us, like all the time, and to be honest, I didn't feel like helping at all (bad me I know)-just didn't feel like it. So, I started to cook fried rice and the biggest success ever was my fried egg and 'bol renverse'. I remember feeling so proud you know. Anyway, so I really get started when I moved to Australia for my studies. So now, I feel like cooking at any time even though I'm still a little reticent about cooking new recipes or trying dishes from books/magazines/on the web. Nevertheless, I feel really great about cooking. It was a hard beginning with all the cutting and all, but like I say all the time now, with time and practice, you can achieve anything. True. It has really become a pleasant activity and have an awesome feeling preparing the ingredients, cutting and so on (ok I'm no fool I assure you). Hmm yeah so I guess this is how it began, and I'm really happy to cook. It gives you a great feeling and it's not that hard as I thought it would be. I guess you can't tell something is hard or not without trying anyway. So I proved myself wrong because once you start cooking you enjoy it, and isn't it great to be able to cook/make your own dish. First you get to eat it, second it's healthieeeerrrr and third you choose your ingredients.
On a final note, I should tell myself that more often, it's that it's never too late to learn. Learning is a life long process. So learn and keep learning- you are not a complete ignorant out there.

On a side note, I would add that I'm not keen on eating outside, because first it's not that healthy, sometimes too oily and no one knows how the dishes are prepared, the nutritional value are to be questioned, sometimes quite pricey (the fatty ones not that much but the better dishes) and it rarely has fresh veggies in them or if there is well dunno if it can even be eaten. (I know some of you will red arrow me! ). So I'll acknowledge that you cannot cook everything at home and sometimes you'll have to buy outside. There is time issue and many more. Sometimes you'll feel like a burger and I know that feeling that you just can't ignore :p However, home cooking is best, it's so much healthier and better option. Now this is another reason why you should learn to cook. Yes I know being healthy is not that easy but with patience and willingness you'll enjoy what you do.

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