I can proudly say that I can make lasagna. Well, I did not make the lasagna sheets, but I think it is still a great effort at cooking everything else from scratch. While the dish itself is not necessarily hard to make, it is however very time-consuming. First, you have to prepare all the ingredients (means washing, cutting and measuring), then you can start making the meat sauce and cheese sauce. After which, you need to assemble the lasagna. Indeed, there are a lot of steps to follow. Finally, you have to wait the lasagna to bake in the oven and ultimately clean afterwards. Serious business going on for sure.
I have helped my mum making lasagna before, but making it on my own with all the prep work and cooking was quite hectic.Anyway, I was please to eat my lasagna once cooked. It was good. The only missing item was a little more of that tomato paste to give a more acidic touch, but overall, it was delicious; I put lots of vegetables in and the layers were there.
Here are pictures of before and after cooked ( unfortunately I did not have time to take pictures in between) :
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