Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Throwback in the kitchen

Over the past weeks, we ate out quite a lot because I did not really have time to cook. However, I always find the time to cook during the weekend to reiterate healthy and clean eating.
I cook quinoa for the first time and I must say it is really easy to cook; you only have to add water (1 1/4 cup for 1 cup of quinoa) and let it simmer (for 15 minutes) , yes this simple. I really like the nutty crunchy texture. I can easily substitute rice or be a great addition to a light meal. Quinoa is a super food and it is rich in protein and omega 3.
I also start to cook sweet potato mash and it is so goooood. I'm extremely liking this sweet vegetable. Plus, sweet potato is very nutritious- it contains beta-carotene (aka vitamin A) which is good for the eyes and what else.
Anyway here is a recap of the past weekends meals:
Oven baked salmon, roast potatoes, sweet potato mash, pan-fried haloumi, avocado mash and rocket
Eye fillet beef steak, quinoa, sweet potato mash and mixed vegetable

Pan fried salmon, sweet potato mash, potato salad, spinach and garlic bread

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