Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sweet bean cake

I realised that the mooncake festival  or most commonly known as the mid-autumn festival is nearing. I just checked now- it's the 8th of September. It is normally celebrated by eating mooncakes which are sweet cakes made for the occasion, eating peanuts and drinking tea. Well, at least, this is my family's tradition. I simply likes eating these sweet delicacies.

I have come across these sweet bean cakes from the Asian store and they taste so good. It has a lightly crunchy texture and I love how the pastry is beautifully layered. The filling is just amazing (reminded me of mooncake fillings) and the best thing is that as a whole, the cake is not overly sugary. It was a melt-in the mouth kind of moment.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Throwback lunch

Here are a few snaps of my lunches since last week.

'Homemade' pizza with bacon, mushroom, capsicum, black olives and sundried tomatoes. Note the inverted commas because I used store-bought crust.


Fish cakes, fish fillets and sweet potato chips, all baked in the oven.


 Lebanese bread with tuna cooked in tomato sauce, pumpkin and avo. YUM.


I'll finish on a light note: Avo and tomato on toast.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Teriyaki Beef Crunchy Roll from Woolies

There is a new 'pop-up' sushi stand at some Woolworths stores. It goes by the name Sushi Izu. So far I have seen them in Perth City stores, Carousel, Riverton, and Livingston Shopping Centres. I have tried their sushi twice and they are pretty nice.

Last week I saw they have a new range, providing more 'fancy' sushi rolls. I decided to try their teriyaki beef roll. The filling was a teriyaki beef (obviously), thinly sliced cucumber and avocado. The roll was coated with spicy mayo and crispy fried onions. I was pleased with the combination. I was quite apprehensive on the spicy mayo because I cannot eat spicy food, but it contrasted well with the sweetness from the teriyaki sauce. The teriyaki sauce was very sweet indeed. It is quite pricey ($11), but all Japanese food seems to. Anyway, I would personally not buy this combination again, but I am willing to try other rolls next time.


Sunday, August 3, 2014


I have combined various photo of dishes I have cooked for dinner over the last few weeks or so. When I cook I try my best to produce a balanced meal, which consist of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.This will, in most cases, ensure a good absorption of food in the body and help with digestion. Besides, it will bring more colour, flavours and texture to the dishes, which is definitely a plus.

Note that I do not take pictures all the time because either (a) I was too hungry (and you know how one cannot especially think clearly when starving) , (b) I forgot (which goes back to possibility a), (c) I simply did not have the time to get a good picture or (d) the dish was not very appealing (which fortunately has nothing to do with the taste aha). I take pictures randomly since I am not a pro or anything. My key point is to successfully catch a good visual photo of my dish. Then, I can eat happily and heartily.

Veal steak with sweet potato, portobello mushrooms, salad mix and some tomatoes
Tofu, chicken, mushroom and pak choy served with rice

Brocoli, mushroom and carrot stir fry with rice and red lentil soup on the side

This is some marinated drumsticks

My broccoli stir fry

Chicken stir fry with mixed veggies, shiitake mushrooms and cashews

Salted fish with zucchini and lentil soup, served with rice

Pan fried tofu with a honey soy glaze

Broccoli and carrot with lentil soup

White sweet potato baked in the oven

Steak with some potato mash,white sweet potato chips and spinach leaves

Beef with potato and mushroom curry

Pasta with beef and capsicum and pumpkin

Dhal curry, with salted fish and cabbage- carrot stir fry

Friday, August 1, 2014

Custard Danish from Sara Lee

I have to admit that Sara Lee's desserts are really delicious. I have tried the custard danish and I love it- love the custard, the pastry, not that there is anything so special about them individually, but in saying that, I mean that they taste just like I wish they would (if that makes sense). The combination is just awesome. I had a big share and then I felt guilty about it (you know about the healthy issue-always), and then I thought: a treat is a treat (with a big smile).