Thursday, November 19, 2015

Vegetarian Korean Pancake (Pageon)

After watching Giada at Home today which was about Korean food, I was inspired to make some Korean pancakes. They looked quite easy to make, so I decided to give it a try. I have only eaten them once and remember really liking the crispy texture. It is strange it never occurred to me to try making them at home until then.

I looked up for some recipes and all were pretty much same as Giada's. However, I decided to go for Aeri's Kitchen's one. I roughly used the same ingredients, except for the Korean frying mix which I did not have. I used 1 cup AP flour with some cornflour, 1 cup water and 1 egg for the batter. I also did not have zucchinis, so I omitted them.Otherwise, I think the pancake turn out good for a first time trial.They were crispy on the outside and the veggies well cooked. Very nice.


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