Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Raspberry swirl mini cheesecake

I came across the Kids Baking Championship show yesterday and I was thoroughly impressed. The kids' talent and creativity is beyond my age. They are pure genius. The show basically tests them in three ways- taste, presentation and creativity. Their level of inventiveness and quick thinking is simply amazing. I mean baking cakes and other sweets at such a young age, decorating them and making them taste good is pretty incredible. I felt very inspired after watching the show.

Well, let's talk about my rather simple cheesecake (after watching what those kids can do, I cannot say my cheesecake was very innovative). It tasted really nice though. I enjoyed the swirl as it contrasted well with the creamy sweet lemony filling. I think I did a pretty good job. The crust was crunchy and the cake was not overly sweet.

I simply did my basic cheesecake batter and them drop some raspberry coulis on top of each cupcake. Using a toothpick, I then started swirling. I think this gave the cheesecake a really pretty finish. The cupcake liners made it suited to carry and perfect for a picnic.

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