Saturday, February 6, 2016

Pandan Swiss Roll

After some measurement adjustments and trials, I finally reached the 'perfect' (to my liking) recipe for a Pandan swiss roll. This is light and fluffy. This is definitely a quick replacement for a Pandan chiffon cake. It is much easier and less time consuming to make, which is very convenient for me. Besides, it needs less ingredients and less people to finish it. You can also alternate the filling as per your own taste. I personally like to go for coconut filling.

Click here for the recipe.

This is my first attempt, where I went slightly overboard with the pandan extract. I really liked the texture of the cake, and the taste was very nice and flavoursome. Mysecond attempt was to cut down the pandan extract by 1/4 tsp and it turned out pale green as it should be.

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