Friday, May 13, 2016

Flashback Friday

We are quickly heading towards winter. It's been very chilly in the morning and my body is slowly adapting to the cold weather. I am still very busy, and we are already in May. This is crazy how time flies. Sometimes I just want to sit down and spend some time reflecting. Time is so precious, but it's still hard to use it in the best way possible. I try to organise when I can,  but unfortunately things, most often, do not go to plan, do they? We do our best. 

This is a recap of previous two week's meals. I did not cook as much as I would like, but will hopefully manage to this coming week. I am still adjusting with everything that is happening.
Pork fillet with sweet potato chips and salad
My 'mapo' tofu
Served with rice and sauteed spinach
Pumpkin soup
Herbal chicken soup with zucchini and rice
Quinoa, kidney beans, corn and tuna salad with avo and coriander
Broccoli stir fry with tomato salsa, salted fish, miso-glazed tofu and dhal soup

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