Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Food for Thought

I came across this article and I just thought I had to share it. The title is 'Just for Today...' and it is a great reminder of appreciating every day. Good piece of reflection.

Just for today, 
I will decide to live in the present, neither 
Rueing the past, nor 
Planning tomorrow… 

Just for today, 
I will accept, what 
Life offers, without 
Questioning why.. 
Just for today, I 
Won’t analyse, but 
Accept simple pleasures 
With Gratitude 

Just for today, I 
Will Smile at 
A Stranger, and 
Mean it.. 

Just for today, I 
Will Accept Myself, 
Flaws and Strengths 
Just beautifully human 

Just for today 
I will notice nature 
Beautiful intricacies, 
A gift Divine .. 

Just for today, 
I will be brave and strong 
I’ll be courageous 
Even when I feel afraid 

Just for today, 
I will love somebody 
Fully, accept them 
In their full beauty 

Just for today 
I strive to be better 
Than the Day before 
I think I can… 
I know I can. 

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