Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I am not sure what's happening, but I am becoming an avid snack eater. I know it's no good for my health (anyone's really), but it grows as a bad habit. I'm trying to eat more wholesome food to sustain myself from slipping away into indulgence. Easier said than done. The sad thing with snacks is that once you start, it's hard to keep your hand off the delicate crisps, sweet biscuits, decadent chocolate and what not. It's almost impossible to refrain full stop. I am probably exaggerating, but I do feel sometimes snacks are quite addictive and alluring. The last in mind is the sweet and salty popcorn which I nearly finish within a few minutes #guilty. 

Well, I have been pairing meals with 'healthier' snacks such as dried fruits (apricots-my favourite) and mixed nuts (walnut, almond, cashew). I also have an apple on occasion (because as per the saying goes: an apple a day keeps the doctor away). It does not make it better, but at least I am gaining some more nutritional value. I think it is perfectly fine to indulge once in a while, it's not biggie and won't hard. However, it should not become a habit. Self-control and restraint is something to be learnt. I think I am mostly targeting myself in this case.

Anyway, these are some of my latest findings and treats. 

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