Thursday, September 1, 2016

Throwback Thursday

It's officially Spring! I cannot believe the last time I posted, we were in the middle of Winter. Rest assure, it is still cold, but I can feel the warmth coming along. I have been so busy- literally speaking. The good thing though is I have been managing quite well with everything (not including posting ;p). I'm so glad we made it through winter. I did get a sore throat last week, but it is easing up. I was so happy of not catching a cold and bam. I had plenty of honey and ginger tea. Yes, I am a ginger convert. 
Since I have been overwhelmed with work and what not, I have not been cooking a lot. I tried baking pork meatballs or had my hand a vegetable pickling- easy process. Other than that, I have started pastry classes and learning a few tricks here and there. 

As per usual, these are few snaps of meals I cooked last month.
Pan-fried salmon with minty pea puree and roasted cherry tomatoes

Steak with sweet potato and salad

Chunky vegetable and bean soup
Steak, polenta, asparagus and sweet potato chips
Steak with mushroom, sauteed spinach, sweet potato and garlic bread
Caesar salad

Vegetable pickling:
Carrot, white and purple cabbage and red radish.

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