Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Back with Sweet and Sour fish

Okay, I just couldn't wait any longer to post. So here I am with my new 'trying' dish: sweet and sour fish. I longed to make it since ages but couldn't get decided. I'm not sure what push me this time, but like I tell myself everytime and is a fan of : let you be guided by your senses all the time, especially in cooking- it acts as a boosting force with all the excitement and pleasure; it just makes you feel good and makes your mind and body happy to put it simply ( okay I tend to get over explanatory most of the time, thing I hope I improve over time :) ). So I decided to make that dish on the spot... (okay I have to admit it was partly because I had a green capsicum and a red pepper waiting to be cooked in the fridge and we just had beef capsicum earlier in the ta-da just made my mind).

I have to admit that I'm not that good in cooking fish, I just it twice or so, so the fish was a bit white.
Another thing is that I was quite ignorant about fish prices. Omy they are quite pricey. Anyway this is the fish I bought:

Well I made the dish and it turned out nice. The sauce taste just like I wanted it too. I'm not sure which recipe I made it from. I keep forgetting to bookmark my pages and I had the hassle of looking back at all the pages again.
I'm pretty sure I follow this recipe. I add a carrot, lifting the colours.

Some pictures:

PS: Click on pictures to make it bigger (I know maybe you know already ;) just saying...hmm okay leaving)..

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