Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Corn, mushroom and chicken curry

I had to make this recipe for my bro's birthday, you know in chinese we say that we should eat noodles on your birthday as it will bring you long life. Not sure about this, but likewise, it is THE tradition and couldn't escape that. So since I was not in the mood to make fried noodles - yet to make- I just opt for this simple dish. It's just as easy as it looks and was really yummy and of course healthy.

This is the dish:
Recently, I've really turn crazy about healthy dishes. So bear with me saying 'healthy' for about a million times throughout this blog sorryyy.
By healthy I mean having veggies in all the meal I eat and try maintain an equilibrium and having a balanced meal for all your meals. Try that, you feel so much better, mind saying. Your body will thank you later I can assure you ;)
Anyway, I've been thinking that a positive state of mind is as powerful as a healthy body.

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