Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Busy day in the kitchen

Yesterday was my brother's birthday. I cooked lot and was so tired after. Did I mentioned that working too much is not good for your health. You should try to rest. Wait, I just questioned myself about brekkie as well. Yeah so because I had to go work early in the day and wake up quite late, and wanted to cook my lunch and this sago dessert. Man I didn't know that sago took that lot of a time to cook. After that I didn't have time to eat my ravishing breakkie and had to make it with milk and weetbix...and I realised that indeed I felt hungry and tired the whole day.

 So I cooked this sago dessert (like I mentioned in an early post, I like doing things on impulse- it works best). It's actually a sort of coconut sago pudding/jelly.

I also cooked my lunch to bring at work. Simple dish: egg omelet with carrots. Try add some thyme leaves, really help to enhance the flavour.

After work I cooked fried noodles for my brother's birthday. A quite easy dish, but quite lengthy in terms of preparation time.

Finally I made a cake, late at night, a hot milk cake. It was my  first time baking a cake, so I wanted to try an easy one. Anyway, the result was quite catastrophic, I don't know what turn bad in the process because the cake was quite compact and thick. It looked decent though:

That bring us to the end of this post. Hope it gives you some idea of what to cook at home.

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