Saturday, June 22, 2013


I know I'm always talking about balance and I will always keep on emphasising on the importance of this word and most essentially the meaning behind the word. It's all about balance. I so want to eat this but it is oily, fatty etc. This is not something you should focus on but rather telling yourself, do I really need to eat this, how will I feel about eating it, consequences. Choosing healthy option is always hard most of the time because of the oh-so-many temptations out there. What I do is try adjusting according to what I eat (compensating). For instance, if I had a sweet drink I will then drink a lot of water for the next hours, days; if I had an onerous dish today, then my next meal will be a light one. See where I'm going. It's always about balance and moderation. It is definitely okay to indulge once, so long you do not do it everyday. Depriving is a no-no,  because this is what drives (I think) the most towards irrational eating habits. Think about your body and mind.

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