Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pasta Dish

One of the simplest thing to cook like ever should be pasta. Surely, it does not require great skills to put up a plate, edible and tasty one.
I like bolognese pasta or carbonara sauce. It's simple and filling.

The most recent one we cook is that one (see picture). This was quite a troublesome day in the kitchen. This makes me remind to say that we should always prepare before cooking; I'm obviously taking about having the right ingredients before hand! The original plan was to use the 'readily-made' bolognese sauce as they are mostly handy. However, we did not have any (and realised this only too late *sigh*). So we had to improvise and made use of what we had on hand. We therefore use a 'normal' tomato puree tin and mixed them with herbs. Added with it mushroom and avocado.
It turns out to be a hasty but edible dish hehe. A success :)

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