Saturday, June 8, 2013

Comeback (Jaffa biscuits)

Alright, so after a loooong wait, here I am. I was really amazed when I saw the last time I posted, it indeed took much longer than I hoped for. This was a pretty full on semester for me (wow). Just wow. It was filled with challenges, new discoveries, and what else but to keep me busy. So busy.

Anyway, I'm definitely making up for the time. To be honest, I haven't been cooking a lot lately, partly because of the oh-so-many changes and time constraint (I know I hate to blame time for my lack of assertiveness but yeah I definitely underestimate a few things which taught me well).

So the latest cookie I made was the chocolate chip orange cookie. Let me tell you that ever since I tasted the jaffa krusher, I fell in love with the taste. I definitely understand why people like orange flavoured cakes and the like. Then, it goes so well with chocolate. So I had a good time looking for the best jaffa recipe. hehehe. The cookie turns out to be gorgeous. See for yourself :)

Recipe for 15 cookies (approx):

125g butter
3/4 cup sugar
Grated rind of an orange
1 egg
1 1/2 cup flour all purpose
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven at 160 degrees. Cream butter & sugar with orange rind
2. Add egg and sifted flour and baking powder. Beat well.
3. Add chocolate chips and mix with a plastic spatula.
4. Drop teaspoon of mixture on greased oven trays
5. Bake in preheat for 12 minutes.

Enjoy :)

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