Saturday, June 22, 2013

Chop Suey (Chicken)

One of my favourite dish to cook: Chop Suey. It is an asian dish. What I like about it is that it is delicious and healthy. It's all about balance. It is full of colours and look great.

It's a rather simple dish, the only hassle is about the ingredients, having everything prepared beforehand.

My recipe is simple. You need about 1 bunch of bok choy, carrots, mushroom, 1 canned baby corn, 500g breast chicken, oyster sauce and cornflour.

It is so much better to cook home rather than take away or dining in restaurants. Anyway cooking home is always a healthier option. I'm a real pro-home cooking. Make me remind that I shall expand my cooking skills over this short break. This is something I really look forward to because this is one skill that will be of use for your entire existence. So don't be afraid to cook. Another thing, the excitement of eating her/his own dish. It's an enjoyable experience.

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