Sunday, June 30, 2013

Coconut sago flan

I absolutely like this dessert. I tried it several times and come to the recipe that I am most happy with.
It is like a flan with sago and coconut milk.
The one I did were with pandan flavoured sago- so the jelly turned into a nice greenish colour. I think I said somewhere that I am crazy over pandan flavour, it tastes beautiful.

Sago cooking, nearly ready
In silicon muffin cups

I run out of muffin cases, so I had to put then in this plate. Cooked much more than originally planned

Set and ready to eat


100 grams sago (cooked and drained)
 2 packets of agar agar
400 ml thick coconut milk
400ml milk
600 ml water
Sugar (per tasting)

1. Cook sago until transparent. Drain and leave aside
2. Mix agar agar and  liquid (milk and water) in a pan and bring to boil.
3. As soon as the water starts to boil (having bubbles), add sugar.
4. Add the sago to the mixture and leave to boil.
5. Pour into muffin cases or any other plate.
6. Leave to cool and then put in the fridge. (It should be set in less than one hour)

Enjoy :)

Note: If you want the flan to be less rich, feel free to reduce the milk content for water.

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