Saturday, November 23, 2013

Few more recipes

Alright, I have posted a few recipes. Here are the links:
Enjoy :)

Sunday, November 17, 2013


I am posting some recipes here (click here). Feel free to have a look :)
I'll be updating regularly (or so do I hope).

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Throwback in the kitchen

I was finally able to get my photos sorted today and it will be a matter of days (hopefully) to post all the dishes I have been cooking since a while. Alright, this might take a lil while longer because I have my exams next week and guess - by what I'm doing right now- I'll be doing some catch-up the coming days. Anyway this dish is one of my typical stir-fry. I think I said somewhere but I have learned how to cook pulses (sometimes it's hard to believe how things are easy before actually doing it) and it is so simple. I love pulses so much; my mum used to cook it often back in the old days- right now so old but still (unfortunately and fortunately for the best) time goes by so quickly.
Right picture time:

Friday, November 8, 2013

Kind request

I recently came across this site: recipeyum and I have written my first 'professional' recipe.
Have a look here. This is the recipe of my quick version apple custard tart. Enjoy.

Monday, November 4, 2013


I really want to post and share new dishes and so on. I do, but I'm a little bit off for no particular reason at the moment. Alright, there are a few things triggering me and working out in my head. I have my exams in less than two weeks and there are more other worries that I can think of. I think we all do-have those loose moments. Once in a while. It's no secret.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Rice pudding with peaches

Call me lazy, I wanted to try those rice pudding and saw they sell them in cans, ready to be served.
Seriously, there is nothing that you cannot find at the supermarket nowadays. I'm especially referring to those frozen dishes. You can get so easily lost in all the brands out there. An easy solution to cooking I wonder. Today I saw on the news that the readily-made cooked food in the frozen sections hardly conformed to the norms in terms of  matching what is on the packaging pictures. Usually you end up with something much less appealing; not only that but also in terms of the contents/ ingredients- some ingredients claimed to be the main component of the dish may contribute less than 1%, which is an infringement to the law.  In a way, you are being fooled.
Anyway, to top my rice pudding, I sliced some peaches. A quick and easy dessert.