Friday, July 26, 2013

Beef capsicum (recipe)

I have already posted something about beef capsicum but today I will post the recipe.

So for the beef marinade, I usually use soy sauce, sesame oil, ground white pepper, and cornflour. You can add cooking wine if you want to. Mix with the beef and let this rest about 15 minutes. In the meantime, cut all your veggies. I used capsicum (obviously) and some snow peas (they are in season right now). Finely cut garlic and onion.
Next step is to cook the beef and then remove from pan. Then saute the garlic and onion. After 2-3 minutes, add the capsicum and snow peas (or any other veggies you like). Let cook until nearly tender (around 5 minutes). Add the cooked beef. Finally add a marinade of oyster sauce and cornflour. Bring to boil and the dish is ready to be served. Salt and pepper to taste. and there you go:

Lovely capsicums
Capsicum chopped. Love the colours
Dish is served

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