Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bubble Tea (homemade)

I remember posting this post last year on how I like bubble tea. Honestly I'm less of a fan now, ever since I seriously considered the amount of sugar in it (yes I am not so thrilled about it- which make me realise that I'm becoming more health-conscious, which is a good thing). I rather have normal tea (no milk, no sugar).

Anyway, ignoring the previous lines, I finally made my own bubble tea and yes it's not rocket science (I might even add it's super easy and cheap to make at home). I cannot believe I just made them now. Anyway I'll write about how I made them. I saw a lot of different techniques on the web (obviously google my friend and my second new friend youtube), but all eventually lead to the same thing. I think what really matters is the taste. Right? So here is my simple version of how to make bubble tea.


What you need:
1/2 cup tapioca pearls (I bought mine at the asian grocery's store- really cheap) + water to cook the pearls

For the syrup:
1/4 cup caster sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup water

For the tea:
2 tea bags of your favourite tea + hot water to infuse

1. Cook your tapioca pearls per instructions on the packet (mine said bring 4 cups of water to boil; then add the tapioca pearls; when the pearls start to plump, cover and leave for about 10 minutes).
2. Meanwhile, to make the sugar syrup, pour all the syrup ingredients in a saucepan and heat until the sugar dissolves.
3. Once the tapioca peals are cooked, drain in a strainer, rinse and pour in the syrup.
4. To make the bubble tea, pour about 2 tablespoon of the pearls mixture in a glass (or per liking).
Add in the tea and milk per tasting.

...and here you have it: homemade bubble tea and it tastes just like the one in the shops.

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