Saturday, January 4, 2014


Hi there! I'm back (yay) and with new recipes and good (healthy) food. I hope you're all having a great beginning of the year. I've been off for 3 days and there is already so much to catch up with. To be honest I'm not sure where to start. Okay, rest assured- there is no need to panic.

Alright, it's decided. I will start off with some crepes. This is thin version of the usual pancake and my mom used to make it at home. This recipe is adapted from the cookbook 'Commonsense Healthy Cooking'. This book is amazing and contains countless easy and like the title says 'common' dishes.
These are best served with nutella or maple syrup (since the crepe itself is not sweet, unless you want it to be naturally sweet, then feel free to add more sugar for a sweeter version). At home, we used to fill it with some dessicated coconut sugar mixture and roll it up. Either way, if you have some time to spare or fancy some sweet breakfast (instead of the usual tea/coffee/milk with toast), then trust me, this is a great accompaniment to your brekkie. I forget to mention that it was my first time making crepes by myself and the result was very satisfying. The texture and taste were just wonderful. Now, keeping to my resolutions, I will post the recipe, including photos of the procedures. Enjoy :)

Time: 30 min + 30 min standing
Yield: 6 crepes

1/2 cup plain flour
2 eggs
1 cup (250 ml) skim milk
Cooking spray
30g butter
1/2 tbs sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1. Sift flour in a large bowl and make a well. Mix the eggs, milk, sugar and vanilla extract.
2. Pour in the wet mixture onto the flour and incorporate slowly.
3. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
4. Heat a 20 cm non-stick pan. Melt 1/2 tbs butter and spray with cooking oil enough to cover the whole surface. Pour 1/3 cup of the batter into the pan and swirl. Cook for one minute (until base is golden), flip over and cook for another 30 seconds. Transfer to a plate. Repeat to make 6 crepes.
Sprinkle with dessicated coconut and icing sugar. Serve with maple syrup or nutella (or a fruit puree for a healthier tint).


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