Sunday, January 26, 2014

Throwback in the kitchen

This week was quite a healthy one (if of course you do not count the domino pizza which we had on Friday eek). I have heard a lot on quinoa, about how it is super nutritious, rich in protein (and what else- just know it's a super food). Well I tried in for the first time last week, through sunrice- you know the ready-made rice packets (they are definitely handy). It tastes surprisingly good (just quite like normal rice actually). So, when I save up a lil (they are quite pricey for sure), I will buy the seeds and cook it . I have seen how it is cooked already and it takes only 15 minutes.

First picture: Steamed green beans and asparagus
Second picture: Quinoa rice with the green veggies and a bowl of my lentil soup.
Third picture: Quinoa rice with pan-fried salmon.

These are a few of the healhty dishes of this week.


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