Friday, January 10, 2014

Pineapple Jelly

For New year's lunch dessert, I made pineapple jelly (true, I can't believe it's already over one week since). Considering that we are in summer on this side of the world, I decided to go for a refreshing and light dessert (no cake or ice cream will do) and this is when the idea popped into my head. My mum once or twice made it at home. I chose to use the pineapple cans, so that I can reserve the juices and syrup to make the jelly. This jelly is not too sugary, but if you want something sweeter, just stir in some sugar (a couple of teaspoons). I like the balance that this jelly offers: there is a tangy side to it and it's easy to eat (and to make).


2 cans of pineapples crushed (one in juice and one in syrup)
Sugar (optional)
14g agar agar

1. Drain the canned pineapple into a sieve, reserving the liquid.
2. Mix the liquid with the agar agar and add water until it makes 900 litre.
3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and bring to boil.
4. Once boiled, mix in the pineapple pieces and pour over a heat proof dish.
5. Let the jelly set at room temperature. Once cooled, the jelly will start to harden. Pop in the fridge to set completely. Cut into pieces and serve.


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