Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Throwback lunch

Here are a few snaps of my quick and light (or rather no-so-light) lunches.

A lot of them are from previous night's leftover, and some are just made up of 'what's on hand'. The key is to have a balanced meal.

I recently 'read' a book about nutrition and there was a lot of focus on food absorption in the body and how what we put in our mouth (a combination of food items) releases different level of energy and glucose. It is essential to eat food that will release a steady rate of glucose in your body. Why? Glucose not used in the body to produce energy is stored in as fats (not so much for released of continued energy, which is why we feel hungry after a certain amount of time even if we ate a lot from a previous meal). Well this is definitely a very interesting and deep area. I am not really sure my brief summary is very clear or even true to the facts, but this is what I have mostly understood. Having had a slight insight of this food process has left me quite apprehensive about the notion of eating. The bottom line is that you need to maintain a balance. Always.

So here we go:
Fish with sweet potato chips, guacamole and quinoa for a Saturday lunch
Flaked salmon with avocado and grape tomatoes on toast
Smoked salmon and avocado on toast, with grape tomatoes
I made these chickpea patties following the recipe from Everyday Gourmet with Justine
(Recipe here) with a few alterations of my own. They turned out lovely and are really tasty.


I have the chickpea falafel with some couscous mixed with some diced tomatoes and cucumber and cottage cheese
Couscous with smoked salmon, avocado and cucumber

Fish cakes with potato salad, cucumber and carrots
Mashed avocado and tomato on toast with a sprinkle of chia seeds

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