Monday, April 11, 2016

No-bake Lemon Cheesecake (Recipe)

I have been hoarding so many cookbooks lately and it really kept me busy. I love going through the colourful pages and getting inspired. This time I went for an easy classic- lemon cheesecake. I have come across many no-bake cheesecake recipes and tried one myself before with gelatine. However, I also stumbled across a few with condensed milk. I never really gave it a though until I saw the recipe in June Holm's book 'The Classics'. This book is rich in classic recipes from roast to pasta and desserts. The cover looked quite antique and special, just like a book passed down from generations. 

I decided to try the cheesecake and I am glad I did since it was delightful. It requires a few ingredients, no oven and also sets without any gelatine. This cake is definitely a winner. It is deliciously creamy and not overly sweet. I also like the lemony and orangy twist. 

Recipe (adapted from  'The Classics' by June Holm):

200g sweet biscuits (I used digestive biscuits)
125g butter, melted

225g cream cheese, softened
75ml (1/3 cup) lemon juice (I alternated with some freshly squeezed orange juice)
400g condensed milk
Lemon/ Orange zest to garnish
Whipped cream, to serve (optional)

1. Process biscuits in a food processor and then add melted butter.
2. Place in a 24 spring-form pan and press to make the base. Put in fridge to set.
3. Mash cream cheese. Add lemon and condensed milk.
4. Beat until smooth and pour on base.
5. Let to set in fridge for minimum of 4 hours.
6. When ready to serve, pipe whipped cream and garnish with lemon/orange zest.

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