Saturday, April 9, 2016

Teatime with T2

We are heading towards winter already. Where did the time go? It is going to be cold I'm afraid. One of the best way to warm myself during cold weather is to drink plenty of hot tea. I love green tea and I have recently been introduced to T2. My bro brought me some from Melbourne, only to notice that we already have several T2 stores in Perth. 

Anyway I have tried their gorgeous geisha- a blend of loose green tea leaves with strawberry- so far, and I really enjoy it. It smells amazing and it reminds me of summery weather with tropical fruits. The green tea is quite light, but definitely fruity and fragrant. 

The tea comes in loose packet and there is also a booklet which contain some drink recipes and facts. Well, happy tea time. Cheers. 

For more information, visit their website:

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