Monday, February 4, 2013

Chicken with mushrooms and zucchini

Dinner time. I had a few sliced chicken breast in the fridge and decided to go for this easy dish. You know I like simple. I absolutely like eating mushrooms, especially shiitake mushroom. I absolutely love the taste and even better, it helps to fight against cancer. I'm starting to like zucchini now. It actually is a nice veggie. The dish tastes divine (or is it that I was starving and like the saying goes everything tastes good when you are hungry...well well well).

Just cooked
Can't wait to try

To be served with rice
Some leftovers---> in the fridge you go
 Recipe: (Okay you'll have to be nice to me, I don't usually write recipes, so forgive me if I don't follow any rules)


1 breast fillet, sliced (or more to your liking)
1 zucchini, sliced in julienne
8 shiitake mushrooms (I had the dried one, so put them in hot water and leave for abt 5 min-to soften them- and then sliced them)
5 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 medium onion, sliced thinly
 Oyster sauce
Cooking oil

Marinade for the chicken (to be mixed with the chicken and leave aside  for about 10-15 min)
White pepper
Rice wine
Sesame oil
Dark soy sauce

For the sauce:
I'm simple so I usually mix some oyster sauce with per taste.


Stir fry chicken. Remove from the wok.
Stir fry garlic and onion, then add mushroom. Let stir fry for about 1-3 min.
Add back the chicken and mix well.
Remove all from the wok.
Cook the zucchini for about 2 minutes.
Add back the chicken mix.
Let cook and then add the sauce.
Let it to boil and dish is ready to be served.

Okay so I hope you like the dish. As you see, it is a really easy and fast dish to cook. Enjoy :)

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