Thursday, February 7, 2013

Healthy tips

  • Drink plenty of water daily (2 litres +) to keep you hydrated, and so your body can drain out all the impurities out of your body properly.
  •  Eat lot of fruits and veggies (I can't stop focusing on their benefits)- they help improve your immune system and keep you away from lot of diseases.
  •  Limit saturated fats (in potato chips, fast foods....)
  •  Eat cereals, preferably whole grain because they are low in fat, rich in fibre and slower food absorption which keep you full without eating a lot and good for weight control
  •  Moderate your sugar intake (to protect against diabetes of course)
  •  Eat nuts (almond, brazil nuts, walnuts, pecan, and macademia)- all contains good cholesterol and fats.
  • Be active (Do a lot of movement daily, either walking, running, dancing, do something which will help you move)
Now I believe that if you follow those tips, it will be the start of a new heatlthy lifestyle. Sometimes, you might  not feel like it and go pass the rules. It's okay to give up once but so long it does not become a habit, it's  alright. Everything has to be taken slowly.

I saw this from a page: 'Your happiness is the reflection of your health' To bear in mind ;)

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