Saturday, February 2, 2013

Practice makes perfect

I realise that doing things more than once/ frequently really help improve your skills. Now I don't feel the pain before cutting veggies amongst others. I like it when you do something instinctively, like it comes instantly without thinking too hard. You don't realise it. It just leaves a great feeling after. So don't worry if you are not expert at the first throw. Everything comes with practice. Another very important thing is to do thing with pleasure and joy. Nothing can be done unless you want it. Appreciation and willingness are two powerful mind tools. Last but not least, take things slowly. Do not try to rush things or drop too quickly. Everything should be done on its own pace (Now I'm not saying to take your time like foreverrr but at a good pace...I know you know what I'm trying to say so I won't add more ;) ).
So my point is practice, practice and practice and you'll be rewarded for your efforts by being happy and feeling fulfilled. That is just a great sensation. Plus, you learn one thing once in your lifetime so better do it nice and properly :)

As a side note- even though the title says practice makes perfect, I guess you all know that perfect is unachievable. It simply conveys the meaning that practice will help you improve to near perfect.So if you cannot be perfect, it's alright, at least your are on that path- better than nothing ;) #beforwardlooking

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