Monday, February 4, 2013


Okay like I mentioned, avocado is my revelation of last year. This fruit (I actually just google whether it is a fruit or veggie haha) just taste amazingly good and is so rich in goodness. It is good for your skin, health, blood circulation. Well see for yourself ;) So like I was saying this is a gorgeous fruit.

Now the dish that I like the most is guacamole. I mean this is just perfect. It's so healthy. It is one of the most healthy meal ever. It's creamy, delicious, I could go on like that actually. More praise for this dish hehe.

My guacamole is simple, so avocado, tomato, and lemon juice. Well if you have a lil more time, add a clove of crushed garlic. Some of the recipe I saw ask to add salt and pepper- I think it's not necessary as the flavours are already amazing and in my opinion it will just affect the taste. I'm not a great salt lover anyway- I try to avoid them the most if possible. Well, this is simply a perfect dip or meal to eat like that.

The other day, I did not have tomato with me, but cherry tomatoes. Oh my goodness, it was way better than normal tomatoes; the sweetness that came from the mix was a delight to the mouth. I want more!

This one is the first time I made it:

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