Friday, February 1, 2013

Dark chocolate

You know how I write about everything that I like to eat, so here you go: Dark chocolate. I know I will repeat myself by saying how much I couldn't eat that, in preference to milk chocolate before. I think that it's the simple fact that my eating habits and pattern have changed to a much healthier one. I now eat in respect to the nutriments and what is good for my health and my mind. I try having a balanced meal and try to balance everything that I eat, not overeating, treating myself quite often. The thing is to find an equilibrium.

So recently, I tried dark chocolate and grew a liking to the taste. It leaves a bitter taste when you finish eating it but it's really nice. Who doesn't feel good after eating chocolate anyway. Now another reason to feel even better is that chocolate, especially dark one, contains cacao, which contains lot of magnesium and is good to overcome stress and keep you in good mood. Also, research has proven that eating a tablet every week can help reduce the risk of cancer by 25% if I'm not mistaken. It's a nice treat, easy to eat. More reasons to eat and try them.

I like the lindt excellence range. They have it mixed with other stuff like coconut, strawberry, mint. So nice. Recently I purchase this one. They had it dark 70 and 85%. I purchased the 70% one for a start haha- going slowly aren't we.  I like it.

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