Monday, February 4, 2013

Cookie and cream cheesecake cupcake

Today I made cookie and cream cheesecake cupcakes. I longed to make those since I saw this recipe. I cut the ingredients by half though because 30 is way too much to eat haha. Anyway my cupcakes turn out nice. Oh forgot to mention that it was my first time making cheesecake and I loved it. You have to admit that you like that feeling when you put some effort in doing something and it pays off.
Okay, so I played a lot with my camera today to take nice pics of the cupcakes even though I forgot to take pre-oven pictures.

Have a look:

Just out from the oven yay
Cooling down on wire rack...I specifically choose colourful cupcake liners to add some variation to the pic

Can see the oreo from the paper yayy... way too excited ;)

Still cooling down....//

Finally ready to be put in the fridge hehe

Trying to fit all in the tray...not a good idea the fridge

After 4 hours wait...finally the end result

Hmmmmm :g

Looking good cupcake, aren't you?

In the mouth yummyyy

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