Saturday, June 14, 2014


Question time

Question 1:
Are these apples or pear?
Tricky one ey?

How about pear apple or apple pear?
Verdict: Both tasted like pear.

Question 2:
What are these bright yellow fruits which accompanied my chicken avocado turkish bread?

 Answer: Yellow cherry tomaoes
Honestly, I would say these taste more like grape tomatoes since they are really sweet (which is perfectly to my liking). Normally cherry tomato can be more acidic, more like normal tomatoes and I would rather have grape tomatoes for these sweeter taste.

Alright, this leave us to the last question which is ( I hope you would guess) about the issue of genetically-modified foods. How do you feel about crops being manipulated by selective breeding? Do you think these crops could constitute some health risks or even more, environmental risks?

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