Saturday, December 14, 2013

Apple Rhubarb Crumble

My first time making a crumble. I can't believe I have waited for so long to make one (and yes I'm not going to ramble about how it's never to late to try something new etc). I mean I have seen plenty of videos on how to make it-thanks to Ready Steady Cook (and all the crumble toppings are pretty similar yet not the same) and it's not that complicated. Actually it's very easy. I guess I was simply waiting for the right time. Right it's all about timing, isn't it.
Anyway, my crumble topping is a mix of:
-1/2 cup rolled oats
-2 tbs desiccated coconut
-1 tbs maple syrup
-1tbs coconut oil
-Silvered almonds
There you go with my healthy eating, which explains my choice of ingredients.
As for the filling I choose apple and rhubarb. It was also my first time trying rhubarb and I quite like its taste, it is unexpectedly acidic. Apple and rhubarb make such a great combination: I took the right decision. I cooked the rhubarb a little with some lemon juice, sugar and water (each about one tablespoon) before but I think it was not necessary at all. I was happy with the end result.

Great now picture time:


 Oh and I also made some sultana oats cookies:

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