Tuesday, March 15, 2016

New Cookbook Challenge

This is a completely random post about the first cooking challenge I shall put myself into. 

It is no secret that I love going through cooking books, as much as I love watching cooking shows (demos, competitions, the lot). I always skim through cook books and recipe books since I have so many to look at. The problem is that despite reading, I never seem to replicate any of the dishes. I either just look at the recipe and write it down, and it stays in my recipe diary untouched or glance at the photo and take a mental photographic snap. 

My goal and challenge for the rest of the year is that for each cook book that I borrow and own, I have to try and make at least one recipe- whatever it takes. I truly believe it is a great way to start since then, I will not only improve my culinary skills, but do justice to the authors of those cookbooks (I know it requires a lot of trial and errors before getting a recipe right). It will also be an opportunity to immerse myself into cooking straight from recipe books and recognise these talented chefs.

I shall post updates on this journey. I will hopefully try one recipe per week.

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