Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Sago with pappadums

One of my favourite desserts from Mauritius is sago with pappadums. Normally the sago is cooked with sugar and flavoured with aromas such as cardamon pods and cinnamon stick. It is then eaten with fried pappadums. I really enjoy the sweet and salty combination of both. Eating pappadum alone is too salty, and the sago too sweet. We hence get that perfect balance by pairing both ingredients. 

I learned how to prepare pappadums recently. Instead of frying it, microwave each side for about 30 seconds (1 minute in total). This is a much simpler and healthier option. 

For the sago, cook using the packaging instruction, but add some sugar to taste, and some cardamon pods or any other spices (cloves, star anise, cinnamon) that you prefer. It is quite a refreshing dessert after a heavy meal or great for an  afternoon snack.

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