Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Nectarine peach mousse tart (Recipe)

We are officially in Summer and nectarine is in season. Following my frangipane tart, I had an urge to make another tart. However I was juggling among so many choices of flavour. My mind was set for a matcha white chocolate tart, but then after some 'googling' around, I came up with the idea of making a peach mousse tart. This mousse is fresh, light and summery, not overly sweet and slightly tart and goes perfectly with this sweet shortcrust pastry. To make it extra special, I covered it with sliced nectarines and some flaked almonds. After this success, I'm planning to make more of this fruity tart combination. We'll see.


Sweet shortcrust pastry 

250g AP flour
125g cold butter
1 egg
1-2 tbs of cold water

Pulse the flour and butter in a food processor,then  add egg and water until just combined. Do not overmix.
Transfer to a clingfilm wrap and then let dough rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
Roll dough into your tart mould.
Blind bake in the oven at 180c with the pie weights for 15 minutes and another 15 minutes without. Cover the edges with aluminium foil to prevent the pastry from over-browning if necessary.

Let cool and start making the mousse.

Peach mousse
450g of sliced canned peaches
300 ml of heavy cream
3-4 tbs of sugar
1 packet of gelatine
Zest of one lemon
Juice of half a lemon

Drain the canned peaches, reserving the liquid. Blend the peaches in a food processor. Leave aside.
Whipped cold cream until soft peak, adding the sugar in the process. Add the lemon zest and lemon juice. Carefully fold in the peach puree into the cream. Taste and adjust for sweetness and tartness accordingly.
In a small pan, heat 5 tbs of the reserved peach syrup, until boiling point. Mix in the gelatine with 3 tbs of the syrup and then mix in the mousse. Reserve 2 tbs of syrup for the glaze.
Dollop on the cooled tart case.

Topping and glaze
3-4 nectarines
Juice of half lemon
1 tbs apricot jam
2 tbs of syrup, heated above
Handful of toasted flaked almonds (optional)

Thinly slice nectarines. Drizzle with lemon juice. Cover the entire surface of the tart with the nectarines.
Mix the apricot jam and syrup and then brush over the nectarines.
For an extra special touch, finish off with some flaked almonds.

Place in the fridge to set for about 2 hours or so. Enjoy!

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