Monday, December 30, 2013

Purchase of the day

The ingenuity of some products leaves me dumbstruck. It makes me wonder if I'm missing something, somehow (you know some lil grey cells). Today I bought some containers (yeah I know nothing extraordinary), but I was impressed by these ones. These are meant to store cakes and to facilitate our (so uncomplicated) lives, they come with a lifter. Not only this but you can use these boxes as measuring instruments. Yeah totally inspired by this clever and creative aspect that a container can have (without any exaggeration). Have a glance:


Alright, so I guess what's left for me to do now is to bake some be continued.

Salmon, salmon and salmon

Just sharing a few snaps of my salmon lunches/ dinner. Last year I tried my first salmon, and this year, we had plenty of it. Also, it's so simple to cook, and it's healthy, nutritious, rich in omega-3 and super delicious.
Word of caution: Limit to 3 meals per week (like the saying goes, even if something is good for you, it doesn't mean you have to have it excessively ;) ). Moderation is the essential.


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tonight's Dinner

See how on track I am. Alright back to normal dishes (my usual ones: tofu, chicken, mushroom and veggies- some things don't change, right!). I like making this double dishes because not only (in my honest opinion) they are superbly delicious, but also very nutritious and healthy.

Chicken, tofu, dried bean curd and shitake mushrooms yum
Broccoli, carrots and zucchini

Friday, December 27, 2013

Macaron #4

I'm not sure if it's the fourth or fifth time trying to make those delicacies, let's say it's the fourth time (ah memory sigh) and I'm still trying to get them right (which is a seriously painful task). I don't think I will make them so soon again because of the trouble and the wait- the verdict. I had a few batches, of which two was sticking to the baking paper, so I just threw them out (really not sure why this is happening since I pretty much followed all the instructions). Anyway, fortunately, we had a few good ones too. Have a look.

Fancy, fancy, fancy!
 Now my macarons look unbelievable nice in the picture (notice some slightly burned edges). Next time I'm buying them so I could taste different flavours. Good try though (I'm so close to perfecting them, nooo). I end up telling myself that baking requires lot of patience, hope and perseverance (and maybe a lil luck, who knows?) ;)

Christmas Tree Cookie set

Look at what I've found and bought today: a Christmas tree cookie set. I saw a picture of the cookie tree before (thought it was a truly brilliant idea) and I wanted to try and make it, but unfortunately for me I could only find the cookie cutters on ebay (and to my dismay they were not that cheap, lest the time it will take for shipping etc). So I'm glad I found it today (really like the set; it even comes with a tiny rolling pin, how awesome). I'm looking forward to use it. Hope the cookies will  turn out great. I want to use shortbread dough, which is pretty similar to the cookie dough recipe on the packaging itself. I will keep you posted.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Note to self

Sometimes it's hard to believe the things that can happen to you (suddenly, out of a blue moon, blowing you away/apart). Yet, I do believe that these moments occur for a reason (not that you will know about the latter nonetheless, but has to accept whatever it is). Now now, this is not a pessimistic post or a rant, it's simply a personal post to myself. I wanted to tell myself that despite everything, the fact that I'm here and typing right now is just a sign of life. Isn't it a symbol. Yes I did spend quite some time figuring out symbolism out of every single happenings (until I cannot even remember). Anyway I just wanted to say that life changes and you have to accept that, you learn and grow everyday (all for the best). You are perfect just the way you are and no matter what, so long there is a hope (even the tiniest), you believe in yourself and are true to yourself, you can survive everything, anything. Okay, on this note, I shall bring back my old self and leave place to many future cooking ventures and posts. Let's not forget that the new year is right the corner, which means that the festive season is not over and I should spend even more time in the kitchen. Yes, that's life, isn't it beautiful ;)
Right, I wish you all happy end of year celebrations. Be safe and take care. Oh, and without forgetting happy cooking and eating. Three cheers ! :)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day !

Merry Christmas!!  I hope all of you are having a great time. I certainly did.
Since I have time to spare (don't ask), I will post photos of today's lunch. It was a success (not a disaster *sigh* because you know something can go wrong or not hehe), despite the massive clean-up afterwards, but it was worth the effort.
Right, I did not mention what I prepared for lunch. Easy one.
-Panfried haloumi (actually my first time cooking and trying it- it tastes great- weirdly enough- just close to what I expected).
-Roast beef with veggies (I can practically say it was my first time roasting beef- and after removing the beef from its packaging I thought what was I thinking- thank God I did not think about it before- because it turned out great).
- Roasted pumpkin (for some reason and yes because I have cooked it numerous times, it did not taste pumpkin-like- me think that it's probably because the pumpkin was not ripe enough - despite having bought it like 3 weeks ago- never mind).
- Coleslaw (cabbage and carrots with salad cream).
That's it. Great I'm happy I have enlightened you all. Oh and yes as dessert we had my yule log which was delicious and yummy. Not a bad lunch right ;)


Oh and may your home be filled with light.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Merry Christmas !

I wish all of you a very Merry happy Christmas :)
Today I made my first yule log ever and it turned out great. Hope it tastes great too (can't wait to try it tomorrow). I'll give you a sneak peek of it :

Tomorrow's going to be a big and busy day in the kitchen (not only for cooking-  yes that's right, but also for eating- yes we eat in the kitchen hmm who said dining room lol).
I'm watching Christmas carols on TV right now (such a delight - bring on Christmas Spirit).
Jingle bell jingle bell jingle all the way... la la la la la ...right I should probably get back, so I will pen off now.
Have a great Christmas and don't eat moderately ;)

Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy First Anniversary

Wow I can't believe that one year ago I started this blog. Honestly, I have no idea what push me to. Not that it matters right. Just now I came across a few diaries (which date like 3 years ago around when I was starting uni and it amazes me that soon we're going 2014) and so much happened since. I think I forgot to mention that I finish my undergrad degree... so yes I'm a grad now (yes I can finally 'get rid' of those far-too-many copybooks/ notes). Well,  happy 1st anniversary and hope many more to come. Cheers !

Sunday, December 22, 2013

2014 expectations

Since I just wrote (or rather ramble or scribble) about this year, I guess it is normal for me to write about what you (and I) can expect  for 2014.
  1. Better posts (not only in terms of recipes, but also in terms of writing and creativity)
  2. More regular posting
  3. More organised posts (i.e more theme-induced posts- celebrations, tips, etc)
  4. and a lot more.
Of course I will try my best to keep those promises. However you know how life can be 'tricky',  making it hard to keep up and things pop up out of nowhere (especially when you are least expecting them- yes out of the blue). In these times it is good to remind yourself that all these are part of life and no matter what, these moments will occur here and there. Remember: a cheerful attitude towards life gives one strength to face adversity boldly and courageously. Embrace life with positivity. It brings back a quote from 'The Alchemist', which was something similar to when you work towards something with all your heart, all the forces of nature will work with you and make that thing happen. Now that I have side-tracked again, I have no idea how to continue/ finish this post (my bad). So I will end it here with a guess:
Where do snowmen dance?


Review of 2013

Here again, it is this time of the year where a new beginning is about to start. And like every beginning, there should always be an ending, which means that the end of year would not be possible without a review of 2013 (yes my first year blog review). I can't believe how fast it went- so many things happen and yes I can still remember last year at this time I was clearly clueless about what's next (not that I am more enlighten in this area but I guess I have achieve a lot and learn so much). I know this will be a bit messy and there will be lots of rambling since I'm making this up as I type. True I always find it easier to write on the spur (no wait, just do it right now when you feel like it). Alright, where to begin. This year has been full of ups and downs (lots of down I dare say despite thinking that I overlook the good times too often- think about the saying- 'most people live their whole life without ever noticing what's directly in front of them' which is quite accurate). I'm of course referring to life in general. However I won't focus on the bad happenings (not that I think that you are the least interested) because remember this is a period of joy and happiness. Well, what I'm meant to write is that I have improved so much in the area of cooking, and gosh this has been a year of so much discovery in terms of culinary skills and techniques. This simply brings so much happiness to my heart because I really enjoyed it: the learning process, watching the cooking shows, cooking videos, reading cooking books (or rather skimming) and what else. What I look forward is that I will experience and try more recipes/ dishes next year. I hope that I can cook as much as I can now. What I learned this year in the kitchen is that the only way to know is to try. The more you cook, the more experience, the better you become (not that I'm teaching anything new here but it really is true). Do not be afraid to set yourself goals to achieve. Sometimes the best way to learn is from your mistakes. Let's say a few years back (3-4 years), if someone told me I would enjoy cooking, I would tell them I don't think so. Yet here I am: an aspiring cook.
Well, I wish you all a very Happy New Year (the picture below -which I googled- pretty much sums all that I wish all of you).

Wish You a Happy New Year 2014 HD Wallpaper

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Throwback in the kitchen

Now that I'm posting, I can't believe I'm so -well- behind. So I will post some pictures of the main dishes/ meals I have cooked over the last few weeks. Simply to make it a quick one (and partly because I am running out of battery - oh no). Hope these will make up for my slackness (yes I do have these moments too). On this note, happy cooking and happy seasons greeting.


Light meals

Here are a few of ideas of a quick and light lunch/ meal (and no need to add healthy and delicious). Now it is no surprise I'm an avocado lover, so you are warned that most (if not all) of these meals include it. I truly think that it changes the taste of what you eat, makes it way so much better, tastier, plus avocado is rich in omega-3 and good for the skin (alright I will spare you the list, only because there's no need to explain something that is healthy and nutritious right). Here you go:

Wrap with tuna, avocado and tomato
Avocado and egg on toast, with salad

Mac and cheese, mix with chopped avocado
Sushi, alright this is a cheat, but they are so yummy ;)

Chocolate chip peppermint cookie

Alright this is my last post on sweet treats so far. I have already made these cookies and here is the post about it. Still I really like this cookie, especially the flavours. They are also so easy to make which marks yet another sweet treat. Shout out to all the choc mint lovers like me. Enjoy :)


Red bean bun (Lotus bun)

I made those buns ages ago (alright I'm not sure I would call 2 months ages, but since nowadays days seem to go by like shooting stars, I will kindly allow myself). I made them twice and both times were winners. I followed this recipe.
First time (with red bean filling):


Second time (with lotus filling and coconut kaya- I also blended in some pandan paste in some dough):

Honey Joys

Alright be prepared for a massive posting about right now (that is, starting from this post). Yes, I mean it. I'm definitely catching up on all my due posts because nothing's worst than leaving this year's cooking to 2014. Right. Also since it's Summer Solstice today, the longest night of the year, there are no excuses. Bring it on. To begin with I'm posting on a few sweet treats, starting with some honey joys. I discover these from my volunteer trip to Busselton last October and enjoyed it so much. I looked up for the recipe (didn't even know what they were called- I happen to search for honey bites - good to know I was not far from its true name) only to realise that not only is it so easy to make, but quite popular as well. Hard to believe that I only tried it there for the first time, just to emphasise on how much there is to yet explore and experience. So like I just mentioned these honey joys are super sweet and tasty and so perfect for snack times.

Recipe (adapted from Kellogg's cornflakes)

90g butter
1/4 cup sugar
2 tbs honey
4 cups corn flakes

Preheat 150 degrees.
Melt butter. sugar and honey together in a saucepan until frosty.
Stir in the corn flakes and coat well.
Spoon into paper cups (approx 20) and bake for 10 minutes.
Allow to cool. Enjoy

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Puff Pastry Christmas Tree

My first Christmas treat of the year. I got the idea from Facebook. I saw the photo and this really made me keen on trying it myself. I mean this is simple and looks so christmassy. Bring on Christmas treats.
I have posted the recipe here and trust me so easy to make. Oh and feel free to use your own favourite filling (pesto, pizza sauce/ cheese etc). Mine is nutella. Enjoy!

 Even smaller treats :