Sunday, December 22, 2013

Review of 2013

Here again, it is this time of the year where a new beginning is about to start. And like every beginning, there should always be an ending, which means that the end of year would not be possible without a review of 2013 (yes my first year blog review). I can't believe how fast it went- so many things happen and yes I can still remember last year at this time I was clearly clueless about what's next (not that I am more enlighten in this area but I guess I have achieve a lot and learn so much). I know this will be a bit messy and there will be lots of rambling since I'm making this up as I type. True I always find it easier to write on the spur (no wait, just do it right now when you feel like it). Alright, where to begin. This year has been full of ups and downs (lots of down I dare say despite thinking that I overlook the good times too often- think about the saying- 'most people live their whole life without ever noticing what's directly in front of them' which is quite accurate). I'm of course referring to life in general. However I won't focus on the bad happenings (not that I think that you are the least interested) because remember this is a period of joy and happiness. Well, what I'm meant to write is that I have improved so much in the area of cooking, and gosh this has been a year of so much discovery in terms of culinary skills and techniques. This simply brings so much happiness to my heart because I really enjoyed it: the learning process, watching the cooking shows, cooking videos, reading cooking books (or rather skimming) and what else. What I look forward is that I will experience and try more recipes/ dishes next year. I hope that I can cook as much as I can now. What I learned this year in the kitchen is that the only way to know is to try. The more you cook, the more experience, the better you become (not that I'm teaching anything new here but it really is true). Do not be afraid to set yourself goals to achieve. Sometimes the best way to learn is from your mistakes. Let's say a few years back (3-4 years), if someone told me I would enjoy cooking, I would tell them I don't think so. Yet here I am: an aspiring cook.
Well, I wish you all a very Happy New Year (the picture below -which I googled- pretty much sums all that I wish all of you).

Wish You a Happy New Year 2014 HD Wallpaper

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