Friday, December 27, 2013

Macaron #4

I'm not sure if it's the fourth or fifth time trying to make those delicacies, let's say it's the fourth time (ah memory sigh) and I'm still trying to get them right (which is a seriously painful task). I don't think I will make them so soon again because of the trouble and the wait- the verdict. I had a few batches, of which two was sticking to the baking paper, so I just threw them out (really not sure why this is happening since I pretty much followed all the instructions). Anyway, fortunately, we had a few good ones too. Have a look.

Fancy, fancy, fancy!
 Now my macarons look unbelievable nice in the picture (notice some slightly burned edges). Next time I'm buying them so I could taste different flavours. Good try though (I'm so close to perfecting them, nooo). I end up telling myself that baking requires lot of patience, hope and perseverance (and maybe a lil luck, who knows?) ;)

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