Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day !

Merry Christmas!!  I hope all of you are having a great time. I certainly did.
Since I have time to spare (don't ask), I will post photos of today's lunch. It was a success (not a disaster *sigh* because you know something can go wrong or not hehe), despite the massive clean-up afterwards, but it was worth the effort.
Right, I did not mention what I prepared for lunch. Easy one.
-Panfried haloumi (actually my first time cooking and trying it- it tastes great- weirdly enough- just close to what I expected).
-Roast beef with veggies (I can practically say it was my first time roasting beef- and after removing the beef from its packaging I thought what was I thinking- thank God I did not think about it before- because it turned out great).
- Roasted pumpkin (for some reason and yes because I have cooked it numerous times, it did not taste pumpkin-like- me think that it's probably because the pumpkin was not ripe enough - despite having bought it like 3 weeks ago- never mind).
- Coleslaw (cabbage and carrots with salad cream).
That's it. Great I'm happy I have enlightened you all. Oh and yes as dessert we had my yule log which was delicious and yummy. Not a bad lunch right ;)


Oh and may your home be filled with light.

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